Where to Begin When You're Relocating

Now that you’ve secured the job, it’s time to focus on your relocation and specifically, where you’d like to live in your new city. If your company has provided relocation benefits, you are already ahead of the game. Often times, your relocation package will include assistance from an on-the-ground specialist that will help guide you as you begin to determine where you’d like to settle in your new city. If you are on your own for your relocation, there’s no reason to panic. The process can seem daunting at first but with a bit of research and an attitude of flexibility, you will find that a smooth move is possible.

Depending on your circumstances, you may be ready to purchase a home right away or you may decide to rent for awhile while you are exploring different neighborhoods. Recommendations from colleagues that are currently living in your new city can be helpful but remember that everyone has a different idea of what makes a great neighborhood. Urban, suburban, rural; it really does depend on your specific lifestyle needs. Ask a colleague for a real estate agent referral to get you started. A good real estate agent will have a lot of helpful insight into the local neighborhoods and can guide you to narrowing down your options. If you don’t know any of your new colleagues, the Human Resources department at your new company can provide referrals or you can ask your local real estate agent for a recommendation.